COVID-19 Vaccines Now at Oregon Medical Group


We are excited and relieved to be able to offer our patients access to the COVID-19 vaccine. We are now scheduling appointments for established Oregon Medical Group patients. Our ability to schedule you will vary as our supply changes, but if you are able to secure an appointment you can count on us to have a dose for you (at this time, we have openings!). We will also schedule you for the second dose at that time.

(If you received your first dose elsewhere, we may not be able to accommodate your second dose, depending on which manufacturer’s vaccine we have, supply, and when timing of your second dose is due. If you received your first vaccine through Lane County, please return there for the second dose.)

To schedule your vaccine, please use the following number — not your provider’s line: 541-284-1113. Please note that you cannot schedule a vaccine online (our supplies are too dynamic for the fixed scheduling an online system demands).